How to install?
1.copy and paste "content" and "island_block.blk" into War Thunder folder.
2.open config.blk located in your War Thunder folder.
3.copy and paste this text---> hangarBlk:t="island_block_v2.blk" and save.
커스텀 격납고v2
The biggest difference is the runway.
It was originally a stone block, but has been changed to a gray concrete block.
And I changed the position of the sun. It was originally located above the tank.
Now the sun is next to the tank. It's probably easier to apply decal.
If you don't like the position of the sun, you can change it yourself.
open island_block_v2.blk in the War thunder folder
Change the number in env:t = "16" at the top of the file. 16 mean 4pm.
if you want change to 8am, Change 16 to 8
Make sure to set the texture setting to high
If it's medium or low, the texture of the map becomes weird
How to install?
1.copy and paste "content" and "island_block.blk" into War Thunder folder.
2.open config.blk located in your War Thunder folder.
3.copy and paste this text---> hangarBlk:t="island_block_v2.blk" and save.
커스텀 격납고v2
The biggest difference is the runway.
It was originally a stone block, but has been changed to a gray concrete block.
And I changed the position of the sun. It was originally located above the tank.
Now the sun is next to the tank. It's probably easier to apply decal.
If you don't like the position of the sun, you can change it yourself.
open island_block_v2.blk in the War thunder folder
Change the number in env:t = "16" at the top of the file. 16 mean 4pm.
if you want change to 8am, Change 16 to 8
Make sure to set the texture setting to high
If it's medium or low, the texture of the map becomes weird