
陆军 XM-803 仿M1 91年第三装甲师涂装 1

XM-803 as M1A1, 3-8 Cavalry, 3rd Armored Division, KTO, Feb 1991.

Having played the XM-803 a bit grinding I quickly put together a reversion of one of my most popular posts for its stablemate, the MBT-70 and KPz-70. I've done a bit more work on it with some IFF tape and taken advantage of that wonderful addition, side-skirts! Also, I seem to recall someone bemoaning the lack of XM-803 skins on Live, so I hope this helps slightly.

It's a could-have-been, as if the MBT-70 project had gone ahead they may well have been in service up to the early '90s, though hopefully with a major armour upgrade. Either way I think the general arrangement of the XM-803 lends itself quite well to the camo-scheme, better than the MBT-70 as it has a less busy rear end. And this is was a hopeful pre-empt of what was soon announced, though I though it would be either the XM803, or the XM-1, and we got the Abrams itself before both of them!
Primary Source: Osprey New Vanguard 001 - M1 Abrams Main Battle Tank 1982-1992, Zaloga and Sarson 1993

