UPDATED, forgot to add a .dmg file x.x, it's fixed now, sorry everyone XD
"Tonnerre" (For the american spitfire mk.IX and the early mk.IX in the british tree)
I've been home sick from school for a couple days and I got very very bored, when the idea for this skin for my favorite witch popped up in my head it was to amazing to resist, so here I present you with my first skin in about a month. I'll probably make more skins like this when I'm bored occasionally, though I still won't be taking requests. Please enjoy and lets see how many downloads this'll get, I tried to make it in the same style as the Erica Hartmann skin I did with the black and white wings. Maybe it'll be a new series of skins for the witches, who knows.
  • 爱心
反馈: 改革开放好呀

