
  1. F-4鬼怪通用 重返家园

    空军 F-4鬼怪通用 重返家园 2024-9-10

    非常感谢QQ1044959025对此涂装的大力支持。 Thank you very much for QQ1044959025's strong support for this coating. Many thanks to this author for the fire effects @Oojiflip https://live.warthunder.com/post/1091476/en/ 此飞机的钢板分布是我自己原创,将会在后续分享给大家使用。 The steel plate distribution of this aircraft is my own original...
  2. 豹2A7V 暗夜潜行

    陆军 豹2A7V 暗夜潜行 2024-9-10

    ====== only leopard2a7v ====== 非常感谢QQ350222071对我的大力支持。 Thank you very much for your strong support from QQ35022071.
  3. 黑豹 烫金红木

    陆军 黑豹 烫金红木 2024-9-10

    This is the skin I use myself, it doesn't have any distinctive features, but I really like it 这是我自己使用的皮肤,没什么特点,但我很喜欢 Like112 Download51 Share More Views575
  4. 279工程 流萤

    陆军 279工程 流萤 2024-9-10

  5. JAS39C 赛博2077

    空军 JAS39C 赛博2077 2024-9-10

    JAS39C only
  6. SU27/J11 未知领域

    空军 SU27/J11 未知领域 2024-9-1

    Many thanks to this author for the fire effects @Oojiflip https://live.warthunder.com/post/1091476/en/ 涂装概览:
  7. 勒克莱尔 AZUR 地狱深潜者

    陆军 勒克莱尔 AZUR 地狱深潜者 2024-9-1

    Leclerc AZUR form HELLDIVERS 2 非常感谢QQ350222071对我的大力支持。 涂装概览:
  8. T-90M 黑金

    陆军 T-90M 黑金 2024-9-1

    T90M - blackgold There are two versions, one is carbon fiber and the other is dark wood. I suggest using an additional kit. I have tried my best on the original side, but these strange bugs still prevent me from meeting my expectations...
  9. 勒克莱尔 S1 未来装甲

    陆军 勒克莱尔 S1 未来装甲 2024-9-1

    非常感谢QQ350222071对我的大力支持。 只有勒克莱尔S1型号可以使用。后续型号可能会重新设计。 Thank you very much for your strong support from QQ35022071. Only the Leclerc S1 model can be used. Subsequent models may be redesigned. 涂装概览:
  10. SU-25通用 Amayakira

    空军 SU-25通用 Amayakira 2024-8-30

    非常感谢QQ652536894对我的大力支持。这个涂装的完成离不开他的帮忙 Thank you very much for your strong support from QQ652536894. The completion of this painting cannot be separated from his help template: https://live.warthunder.com/post/1060315/en/ made by @Yes_maN 以下机型可用: 涂装概览:
  11. 狐式 狐狸涂装

    陆军 狐式 狐狸涂装 2024-8-30

    I really want to touch this fox well !
  12. 所有豹2A4/STRV121通用 重型装甲

    陆军 所有豹2A4/STRV121通用 重型装甲 2024-8-30

    ALL leopard2A4 can use. And strv121 . 涂装概览:
  13. STRV 122B+ 拉蒂蕾娜·米利杰

    陆军 STRV 122B+ 拉蒂蕾娜·米利杰 2024-8-30

    感谢 owY 对我的大力支持! Thank you, owY, for your strong support! ==== Strv122B+ ==== 涂装概览:
  14. 豹2A7V 少前MG36涂装

    陆军 豹2A7V 少前MG36涂装 2024-8-29

    Special thanks to ( R.I.P Für mich ) for their strong support!!! 在此特别感谢( R.I.P Für mich )对我的大力支持!!! Only for = Leopard_2A7V = Like125 Download398 Share More Views1065
  15. 挑战者 2 TES/OES 少前博斯涂装

    陆军 挑战者 2 TES/OES 少前博斯涂装 2024-8-29

    NEW for challenger2-TES challenger2-OES Special thanks to ( R.I.P Für mich ) for their strong support!!! 在此特别感谢( R.I.P Für mich )对我的大力支持!!! 涂装概览:
  16. 歼-7E 黑金(龙)

    空军 歼-7E 黑金(龙) 2024-8-29

  17. JAS 39A/C 通用 黑金涂装

    空军 JAS 39A/C 通用 黑金涂装 2024-8-29

    6k dds for jas39a and jas39c 涂装概览:
  18. 独立 曲奇饼干

    陆军 独立 曲奇饼干 2024-1-21

  19. STRV 122B+ 黑金涂装

    陆军 STRV 122B+ 黑金涂装 2024-1-21

    ======= Strv_122B+ ======
  20. 苏27/歼11 摘星

    空军 苏27/歼11 摘星 2024-1-21

    This is an early version, a re-release, and the main reason I originally removed it for release was that the bump effect was weird and didn't have the effect I expected. You can download it if necessary. Of course, if you want to download my remade version, you can download it here...