
  1. BT-7/SU-5-1 西班牙内战 CNT-FAI安那其民兵涂装

    陆军 BT-7/SU-5-1 西班牙内战 CNT-FAI安那其民兵涂装 2018-10-20

    Some completely fictional skins for the CNT-FAI. (以上是原作者写的简介) 该涂装适用于苏系BT-7和SU-5-1 以下为原贴地址:
  2. 求助 玩陆战2.0天天被对面歼击车一炮秒该怎么办啊

  3. BT-7 阿迪达斯涂装

    陆军 BT-7 阿迪达斯涂装 2022-5-5

    感谢作者:MC_Dudec 原帖: 下载链接: Четкий танк БТ-7 для четких парней. +100 к стилю и +1000 к господству на районе (на карте). На таком танке можно смело забивать стрелку с пацанами из другого...
  4. BT5/BT7 通用 冬季鹅卵石涂装

    陆军 BT5/BT7 通用 冬季鹅卵石涂装 2022-5-5

    感谢作者:franzuuuuv 原帖: 下载链接: Winter Cobblestone West Front From CoH2 The unique cobblestone pattern helped break up the silhouette of the vehicle. The .blk and .tga files are separated in the two folders for...
  5. BT-7 灰烬战线涂装

    陆军 BT-7 灰烬战线涂装 2022-08-04

    [简介] bt7的灰烬战线涂装,希望你喜欢 [图片预览] [原文] This time I tried to paint the bt-7 in ASH ARMS. I always feel that the girly bt-7 is very cute. In fact, the paint used this time is a winter paint, so when fighting in a snowy map, the effect should be better, and it will be more beautiful. By the way...
  6. 【暂时失效】BT-7:岛风 四种迷彩涂装

    陆军 【暂时失效】BT-7:岛风 四种迷彩涂装 2021-01-13

    【暂时失效】请勿下载 原地址: