
  1. P-61C 灰燼

    空军 P-61C 灰燼 2024-5-6

    太久忘記搬作品過來了 抱歉 圖片我上傳不了 看封面湊合一下吧
  2. P-61C 少女前线 404小队涂装

    空军 P-61C 少女前线 404小队涂装 1

    It is the tenth of the decoration plan to start from low rank. 低ランクから始めるデコレーション計画の第10弾です。 I did my best, but this machine was a strong enemy. If you do not mind, please use it. That alone makes me happy :3 The illustration is borrowed from the following teacher. illustrator:NIXOO(HK416 Standing...