
  1. T-90A-Ellen·Mira·Mathers

    陆军 T-90A-Ellen·Mira·Mathers 2024-6-7

    Ellen·Mira·Mathers-T-90A If you cannot extract the compressed file, use 'Peazip' and 'Bandzip' Unauthorized prohibition of commercial use 未经允许禁止商用 Reproduction prohibited without permission 未经允许禁止转载 The copyright of this painting model belongs to Gaijin Network Ltd. The copyright of painting...
  2. T-90A 俄罗斯武装部队

    陆军 T-90A 俄罗斯武装部队 2022-11-5

    作者:AviatoR_76 作者链接:https://live.warthunder.com/user/AviatoR_76/ 原帖地址:https://live.warthunder.com/post/1055493/en/ Historical camouflage for T-90A. Russian Armed Forces, HeroRace-21, Sertolovo, Leningrad Oblast, June 2021. T-90A 的史实涂装 俄罗斯武装力量, 谢尔托洛沃,列宁格勒州, 2021年6月 涂装概览: ? Source link...