语音包 Ellen·Mira·Mathers-NEW-SoundMOD 2023-7-3

A temporary solution for the 11th anniversary:
First, copy all the bank files in the directory "War Thunder\sound" to the directory "War Thunder\sound\Start", and transfer all the bank files in my voice module to the directory "War Thunder\sound\After". Before starting the game, make sure to run the Start.bat file, enter the game to the lobby and then run the after. bat file. The code of the two bat files will be given in the rear, I will explain the reason for this: every time After closing the game, restart the game will check the local file, so the replacement mod file will inevitably be changed to the official source file. Therefore, I choose to use bat file to achieve batch replacement, and the cmd window will automatically close after replacement, making bat file is also quite simple, create txt text document, paste the code I provide into it, save it, modify the name and suffix, and you can hold down Alt while left key drag and drop to create a shortcut to fix it to the taskbar/start screen. To achieve the purpose of quick start. Take ---- as the dividing line. The following are the codes of the two bat files:
@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion

set "source=%~dp0Start"
set "destination=%~dp0"

for /r "%source%" %%f in (*) do (
set "file=%%~nxf"
if exist "!destination!%%~nxf" (
echo Overwriting !destination!%%~nxf
copy /y "%%f" "!destination!%%~nxf" >nul

echo Done.


@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion

set "source=%~dp0After"
set "destination=%~dp0"

for /r "%source%" %%f in (*) do (
set "file=%%~nxf"
if exist "!destination!%%~nxf" (
echo Overwriting !destination!%%~nxf
copy /y "%%f" "!destination!%%~nxf" >nul

echo Done.

  • 支持
反馈: AS20
Update:Fixed the problem of silence in the third person car group, fixed the problem of repeating the same sentence of voice ranging,updating this version requires deleting all bank files under the original mod folder and then decompressing all bank files into it
  • 支持
反馈: Milas