
陆军 豹2pl 德斑迷彩“贝斯曼”营 2022-08-04


Leopard 2 PL as Leopard 2A5, "Bethmann", Charlie-Zug, 4./Panzerbatalion 33, 1996
If you aren't quite sure what that means I have some form on this kind of thing, links below if you are interested.

The Leopard 2PL is such a recent development I hope you'll forgive me dipping back into the Leo's past to bring you markings from the early days of the 2A5 deployment in the Bundeswehr.

I have some vaguely logical reasons to do with how the PL's turret looks compared to its 2A5 and 2A6 tech tree compatriots, in that the rear has some nice big space for nice big markings! Someone in this unit was clearly a bit of an artist and I really like how unusually detailed the markings are on this tank.

I've found it a bit of a juggle getting the actual markings of the later Leos into good positions on the in-game models, as they lack the plates on the rear stowage bins where these markings usually feature. While there is... stuff on the actual rear turret stowage boxes on the PL, the angled sides make a handy alternative.

Obviously in reality the vehicle was wearing the standard positioned application of dreifarb-tarnung, so I've made an un-holy combination of the marks with my favoured Flecktarn, this time going back to a close-to actual colouration, based on an actual uniform, but one that wasn't brand new maybe. I've made a concerted effort to keep the pattern flowing over the many different facets of the turret, for anyone who loves jigsaw-puzzles the texture map is quite fun in terms of layout in a similar way, so it has taken longer than usual to get this one available.

I haven't finished with the PL yet, and have another couple of skins up my sleeve but have got some more fun for the South African tree and some Scandinavian diversions on the way.




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