
  1. M1艾布拉姆斯 少女前线 TAR 21涂装

    陆军 M1艾布拉姆斯 少女前线 TAR 21涂装 1

    Thanks for checking out my skin! I used TAR-21 from Girls Frontline for this Abrams skin because the Abrams needed some "Jew magic" also the colors look pretty nice too. (I swear I'll make skins that the base pop color isn't blue) most of the artwork was taken from the girls frontline wiki...
  2. M1A1艾布拉姆斯 少女前线 RFB涂装

    陆军 M1A1艾布拉姆斯 少女前线 RFB涂装 1

    M1A1黑白红绿之红白——RFB大师的请战书! 格里芬的游戏王~RFB!参上! 为了防止自己咕咕咕把以前做的涂装放出来(这个是很早期的作品了2333) 希望大家搭配绿黑版本使用的愉快~——洛姬雅 PS:所有使用到的立绘皆为游戏内立绘 “I'm the game master of Griffine!”——RFB This is a M1A1 camouflage about RFB.A girls of the game"Girls'frontline". Hope guys can habe a good time with her and another...
  3. M1A1艾布拉姆斯 少女前线 RFB涂装

    陆军 M1A1艾布拉姆斯 少女前线 RFB涂装 1

    M1A1黑白红绿之绿黑——RFB小姐的战斗意志! 格里芬的强力突击步枪——在此助你一臂之力~! 望大家能搭配红白版本使用XD,使用愉快~——洛姬雅 PS:使用的立绘皆为游戏内立绘 This is another edition of RFB_M1A1 camouflage.I change the color and some pictures of the tank. Wish you have fun~——Storl:Lokiya Attention:All pictures of this camouflage are from Girl'sfrontline game...
  4. M1A1艾布拉姆斯 少女前线 SOPMODll涂装

    陆军 M1A1艾布拉姆斯 少女前线 SOPMODll涂装 1

    M1A1 SOPMODll Game:Girls Frontline character:M4 SOPMODll I have been designing this paint since January 4th I changed it three times for some reason: (please forgive me Finally, thank you for your continued support :) 抱歉,这个涂装我本来一个星期内就可以做完,但是中途发生了些不愉快的事,导致我大改了三次(1.416 2.UMP45 3.SOPMODll) 最后...
  5. TAM 2C 少女前线 UMP45涂装

    陆军 TAM 2C 少女前线 UMP45涂装 1

    少前、明日方舟联队群519159517欢迎大佬们加入! tam2cXump45 45号钢板防御力max(捂住鼻梁骨) 做的涂装有不足的话欢迎大佬们指出! it's my new camouflage If the coating is insufficient, please point out! I hope you like it tam2c的少前钢板涂装,希望你喜欢 涂装作者:
  6. KPZ-70 少女前线 HK G36涂装

    陆军 KPZ-70 少女前线 HK G36涂装 1

    KPZ-70(GERMAN) camouflage Character:HK G36(GIRLS FRONTLINE) I hope you like this. Some designs reference @Kurumi_TH works WA2000 L2A4: G36 TYPE-16: kpz70的少前g36涂装 涂装作者:
  7. 德国 罗兰防空 少女前线UMP45涂装

    陆军 德国 罗兰防空 少女前线UMP45涂装 1

    憋了半天憋出来了了个罗兰,可惜实战很拉跨,除非技术一流,不然还是不要尝试和卡莫夫中路对狙了 A new camouflage for ROLAND SAM(German)You'd better not try to fight with KA52 or KA50,unless you have wonderful skill:( 罗兰的少前钢板涂装,希望你喜欢 涂装作者:
  8. BF-109 G6 少女前线 ST AR15涂装

    空军 BF-109 G6 少女前线 ST AR15涂装 1

    Hey guys , this work is bf 109 g-6 with st ar-15,I hope you like it .....咕咕咕了这么久也是终于拿出来新作品,这次仍然尝试新的风格在立绘和图形的排布比以前更加大胆,当然也少不了阿能姐姐(@GriffinAndKGB )的教导和@Extra5487这位大佬的作品给予我的灵感 ,最后希望大家会喜欢mua
  9. ME262A1A/U1 少女前线 G36C涂装

    空军 ME262A1A/U1 少女前线 G36C涂装 1

    First skin for me in this year, hope you like it. 262a1a的少前36c涂装,希望你喜欢 涂装作者:
  10. 57护卫 少女前线 HK416涂装

    陆军 57护卫 少女前线 HK416涂装 1

    About that tow,I tried everything but it just can't be edit,the model can't load the file.If you know how,please tell me. Well,that friend of mine says I can not make a good camo on this tank,and this is how I hit him in the face.Hope you like it,that'll be great. 57护卫的416涂装,希望你喜欢 涂装作者:
  11. M3 布雷德利 少女前线 JS9涂装

    陆军 M3 布雷德利 少女前线 JS9涂装 1

    Thank you for taking a look at my skin! I saw there was a distinct lack of anime skins for the m3 Bradley so I made this using JS 9 from Girls Front line. I know using a Chinese gun for an American CFV is sacrilegious, but hey I just liked how the color scheme looked so sue me. >.< *artwork was...
  12. M5A1 斯图亚特 少女前线 汤姆逊涂装

    陆军 M5A1 斯图亚特 少女前线 汤姆逊涂装 1

    This is Girls Frontline M1928A1 Thompson camouflage. This skin for US light tank M5A1 STUART camouflage. glhf ;) M5A1斯图亚特少前汤姆逊涂装,希望你喜欢 涂装作者:
  13. Ru 251 少女前线 WA2000

    陆军 Ru 251 少女前线 WA2000 2019-01-17

  14. Ru 251 少女前线G41

    陆军 Ru 251 少女前线G41 2020-01-27

  15. T-29 少女前线 M870涂装

    陆军 T-29 少女前线 M870涂装 1

    29 Girls front line M870 skin 소녀전선 少女前线 少女前線 ドールズフロントライン t29的少前m870的涂装,希望你喜欢 涂装作者:
  16. M1A2 Abrams 少女前线M4A1涂装

    陆军 M1A2 Abrams 少女前线M4A1涂装 1

    M1A2 Girls Frontline M4A1 Reupload because entire alpha channel gone :c This is my first attempt to create skin so you can expect bad quality so dont bulli Inspired by StarlightShinin skin IPM1 UMP9 update: converted to DDS, edited some normal maps m1a2的少女前线m4a1的涂装,希望你喜欢 涂装作者:
  17. IPM1 Abrams 少女前线95式突击步枪涂装

    陆军 IPM1 Abrams 少女前线95式突击步枪涂装 1

    Type 95, joining the combat formation! This skin uses type 95 from girls frontline, this skin was requested and when i saw the floral pattern I wanted to see how I could work it into the skin. This skin was super fun to make and one of my favorite so far on just design alone. I hope you all...
  18. IPM1 Abrams 少女前线AA12涂装

    陆军 IPM1 Abrams 少女前线AA12涂装 2018-10-19

    IPM1 Skin : AA-12 4K DDS Anime/Game : Girls Frontline ipm1的少前aa12涂装,希望你喜欢 涂装作者:
  19. IPM1 艾布拉姆斯 少女前线 UMP9

    陆军 IPM1 艾布拉姆斯 少女前线 UMP9 2018-10-28

  20. M1 艾布拉姆斯 少女前线 UMP45

    陆军 M1 艾布拉姆斯 少女前线 UMP45 2018-11-10
